Blind Love



Project information

Made by Floor Koens, Marie Lhuissier, Peer Olthof and myself.

Made in Unity for the Tobii eyetracker/PC.

Finished april 2015.

HKU student project.



Promoted the game at Indevelopment 2015.

Featured by Tobii.

One of the first in the Netherlands to make an eyetracking game.


About Blind Love

Target group: People age 65+.


Summary: The goal is to safely guide the male mole to its sweetheart. This is done by completing eyetracking challenges.



Research showed that elderly people often have difficult time using modern technology like smartphones, keyboards and controllers. Solutions are often the use of big buttons and simple interfaces. We looked for something more intuïtive to use and settled on the eyetracker. This is easy for them to use because it responds to what they are looking at.



We started by looking into what could be benificial to elderly people in relation to their eyes. After people pass the age of 65 the eyes don't deteriorate much anymore but we did find an exercise which would help the elderly use their eyes in a healthy maner. It consisted of looking in all directions and making certain movements with your eyes such as circles.


Game mechanics and level design

All the mechanics are eye movements based on the exercise we found during our research. In the level design, mechanics are introduced in all parts of the screen so your eyes move in every direction.


Portfolio site of Merlin Woudstra